Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Ways to resolve disputes between husband and wife!

Ways to resolve disputes between husband and wife!

husband wife
husband wife

Ways to resolve disputes between husband and wife!

Minor disputes that arise between husband and wife often end in fights. The ego problem between the two goes as far as divorce. Let's see the steps to avoid such a fight now ..!

husband wife
husband wife


One must first understand that both husband and wife have different kinds of likes and dislikes and habits. We have to come to the mindset of `accept each other with weight defects'.

Focus on the words!

Swearing at each other with harsh words, blaming the spouse's family ... can cause a huge rift in the husband-wife relationship. These should be avoided altogether. Half the problem is reduced if one person is quiet while the other is quiet while making angry noises. We should not keep talking about things that happened many years ago.

husband wife
husband wife

Do not carry with a third party!

Husband-wife should take care not to enter a third person in the fight. If it enters like that the problem will take a different form and get bigger. That third person can be the husband or wife's mother, father, brother, sister, friend, or anyone. Whatever it is, they should try to find a solution by talking to themselves.

husband wife
husband wife

Express love!

It only multiplies when one expresses the loved one has for one another. It can be small shit or compliments. `This dress is good for you ',` The coffee I just gave is super!' As good as sharing a positive comment.

Focus on money matters!

Talk openly for at least 10 minutes every day. At that time one should listen carefully to what the other is saying. The two talk about money - to maintain the cost. In this case, the opacity will create unnecessary problems.

husband wife
husband wife


Do not hesitate to apologize when something goes wrong. At the same time do not completely lose self-esteem. Giving up should be a two-way street. Both should keep a hobby and circle of friends for themselves. There is no need to sacrifice them after marriage.


Couples should make it a habit to go trekking, jogging, and cycling together from time to time. Together they can learn some art like yoga and song. This will increase the reciprocity between them.

husband wife
husband wife


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