Monday, August 30, 2021

Things you never do on an empty stomach

Things you never do on an empty stomach 

world health day
world health day

Does our day get healthier depending on what things we do when we wake up in the morning? Isn't it Can decide whether. It is doubtful whether we get up every day and do healthy things. Because a nutritionist has listed 6 things we should not do in the early morning. It may even include things we have been doing for days without realizing it. But they can be harmful to the body. By knowing these things we should not do in the early morning we can avoid it.

When we wake up in the morning our stomach is empty. We should always take healthy foods when we are just on an empty stomach. Some people just eat junk food on an empty stomach. It can cause harm to the body. The beginning of our day is in the morning. So the wrong foods we eat in the morning will make our whole day worse.

Breakfast world health day

world health day
world health day

It is important to take a healthy diet during this time as you have not eaten for almost 8 hours. But as soon as we wake up in the morning we drink coffee and tea. But we never think about whether all these are good for the body. Nutritionists explain what we should avoid in the morning.

A famous nutritionist has made a list of what we should not do in the early morning. To that, he says 6 important things. He says they should definitely not be done early in the morning on an empty stomach. Let us now look at them in detail.

Early morning coffee world health day

world health day
world health day

Our day would never move without a cup of coffee in the morning. We have been accustomed to drinking coffee for so many years. But you just woke up, and if the first meal you take today after dinner the first day is coffee it is good to think a little about drinking it.

This is because drinking coffee on an empty stomach stimulates acidity. It stimulates the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the body. So you can drink water on an empty stomach before drinking coffee. Our parents tell us to drink water when we wake up in the morning. You can drink coffee shortly after drinking water.

Alcohol world health day

world health day
world health day

Although not everyone has this habit in general, rarely do people drink alcohol on an empty stomach in the morning. One can only guess what effect alcohol will have when drinking coffee when the stomach is empty is causing the problem. Alcohol in the bare stomach directly affects the bloodstream.

It spreads in the bloodstream and quickly spreads throughout the body. This causes the blood vessels to dilate and the blood pressure to begin to drop temporarily. This causes damage to the nerves leading to the stomach, kidneys, lungs, liver, and brain.

All of the above effects occur within the next minute when 20 percent of the alcohol enters the stomach, i.e. within a minute of drinking alcohol it affects the brain. It can cause severe damage to the body.

Just chewing on the stomach world health day

world health day
world health day

People who want to lose weight in the early morning should chew gum to control their appetite. Nutritionists say that chewing gum is a good idea. This is because chewing gum is good for the digestive system. It helps the digestive system secrete acid which helps to increase its potency. This acid helps digest food.

But the formation of these acids in the bare stomach is not a good thing for the body. These acids cause ulcers inside the stomach because there is no food to digest them. This can cause you to have digestive problems. So just let those who chew on the stomach hand it out.

Do not shop when hungry world health day

world health day
world health day

The study was conducted at a university. According to those studies, people who are hungry tend to buy more when they go shopping. They buy more than they need.

And they buy more junk food that is harmful to the body. So do not go shopping when you are hungry or just on an empty stomach. Thus money is likely to be wasted.

Do not argue when hungry world health day

world health day
world health day

Do not argue with anyone when you are hungry. Eat something and fight before you fight next time. This is because usually when people get very angry their blood sugar level drops. So eating a snack and fighting can help control their excessive anger.

Anti-inflammatory tablets world health day

world health day
world health day

Most of the medicines and pills we take should be taken only after meals. That's why if we go to the hospital the doctor there will definitely tell you to take the pills after meals. There are also pills to take before meals, but definitely, anti-inflammatory pills should not be taken on an empty stomach before meals either.

This will upset the balance of your stomach. These drugs can disturb your digestive tract in a variety of ways. This can lead to problems such as gastritis, esophageal reflux disease, and bleeding, and it can cause problems in the stomach for long days, so do not take anti-inflammatory pills on an empty stomach in the early morning.


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