Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Important Photoshop features that photographers need to know

 Important Photoshop features that photographers need to know

Taking photos and editing them is almost the same task. Learning basic editing is a great way for beginners to learn how to take photos. While some people don't like editing, some people like editing. If you are new to photography, then editing is a good idea.

There are various softwares available for editing, with which you can edit and embellish photos. We will continue to see what you need to know to improve the photo in that way.

Brightness and Contrast

It is necessary to fix such features first. Although it would be better to fix it with Lightroom software, you can also fix the exposure with Photoshop.

Curves and Levels

While Brightness and Contrast are reflected in the overall photo, Curves and Level make it a way to tune only where you like. This option allows you to select Exact Black, White and Gray points and tune them.


Care must be taken when changing the saturation of the photo. The photo will get an artificial look even if there is a slight error. Skin tones can be adjusted with this tool.

Color lookup table

With this table you can keep all the adjusters in one place. Thus avoiding unnecessary confusion.


A histogram is a graph showing the tonal range of a photo. The X-axis measures the brightness of the image, and the Y-axis represents the pixels of each tone. The exposure of the photo can be modified with the histogram.

Cloning and Healing

Clone stamp and healing brush tools are essential features to remove unwanted features in photos.


Each layer in the photo is packed with different features. You can change the aspect of the layers and the mode of blending to make changes in every aspect of the photos.


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