Friday, March 12, 2021

40 FACTS ABOUT OCEANS That will make your head swim!!


1. Ninety percent of all volcanic activity on Earth occurs in the ocean. 

2. An area the size of New York State U.S.A., on the South Pacific ocean floor is home to 1,133 active volcanic cones and seamounts. 

3. In 2012, James Cameron, director of Avatar, became the first solo explorer to reach the deep est depth of the ocean. 

4. Earth's longest mountain range is under the sea. 

 5. Canada has 15 percent of the world's coastlinemore than any other country. 

6.At the deepest point in the ocean, the pressure is more than eight tons per square inch ( L.1 MT per cm ). 

7. The temperature of almost all deep - ocean water is just barely above freezing. 

8. If all of the gold in the world's seawater were sifted out, there would be enough for each person on Earth to claim nine pounds ( 4 kg ) 

9. The world's tallest known iceberg — found off the coast of Greenland was just a few feet shorter than the Washington Monument in Washington, D.C., U.S.A. 

10. IF all of the oceans ' salt content could be collected and dried out, it would cover all of Earth's continents in five feet ( 1.5 m ) of sodium. 

11. Scientists measure the age of fish by counting times in their bones, just like the rings in a tree. 

12. The most primitive fishlike animals on Earth have sucking mouths, like lampreys, which are mostly bottom - dwellers. 

13. Sturgeons live 50 years or more and can weigh more than 1,000 pounds ( 454 kg ). 

14. Sharks have eyelids, but most other fish don't. 

15. Tuna can swim in quick bursts at 50 mph ( 80 kph ). 

16. Most fish can't swim backward. 

17. Most fish are unable to appreciate the colorful lures used to attract them because they are color-blind. 

18. Two of the four flatfish families have their eyes on the left side of their body. The other two families have their eyes on the right. 

19. Pufferfish puff up by pumping water into special sacs. Out of the water, they will still inflate by using air. 

20. An electric eel discharges some 350 volts - more than an electrical outlet in your house 

21. A giant squid is as long as a six-story building is high.

 22. Scientists once tracked a lobster as it traveled 225 miles ( 362 km ). 

23. A lobster's teeth are in its stomach. 

24. There's a type of land hermit crab in the Pacific islands that eats coconuts. 

25. A sea turtle can stay underwater for up to two hours without coming up for air

26. It would take a stack of more than nine Empire State Buildings to equal the average depth of the ocean. 

27. A dolphin's flipper has five digits, similar to a human's hand. 

28. Humans have only explored 5 percent of the ocean. 

29. The Monterey Bay Submarine Canyon off California, U.S.A., Is deeper than the Grand Canyon. 

30. The Gulf Stream off the U.S. Atlantic seaboard flows 300 times faster than the typical flow of the Amazon River. 

31. If you take a gulp of seawater, you may have just swallowed hundreds of thousands of phytoplankton and tens of thousands of zooplankton. 

32. Sand is made of tiny pieces of worn-down rock. Wind, water, and glaciers pick up the pieces and leave them in the ocean where they become sediment or on land, where they form our sand dunes. 

33. Kelp is harvested to make cosmetics and toothpaste. 

34. Lionfish are sometimes called turkey fish because their fins look like turkey feathers. 

35. Green sea turtles weigh about 300 pounds ( 135 kg ) -- that's as much as a male on. But while lions live about 15 years in the wild. green turtles live about 100.

36. Starfish aren't fish. Sea stars as they're properly called are echinoderms, related to sand dollars, sea urchins, and sea cucumbers. 

37. Some sea stars have more than 40 arms! If an arm is lost, they can grow a replacement. 

38. Jellyfish are about 95 percent water. 

39. Jellyfish don't have a brain, blood, or a heart! 

40. Sea stars take out their stomach to eat! They put it over prey. cover the prey with digestive juices, and then slurp it up. 


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