Saturday, December 11, 2021

skincare: Are you over 30? Follow these tips

Skincare: Are you over 30? Follow these tips


As we age our skin causes many problems like wrinkle lines. Careful care of our skin is essential when we reach the age of forty. Over the age of 30, our skin does not listen to what we say. So it is necessary to make some lifestyle changes accordingly. Let's see what they are.


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As we approach the age of thirty many of us to find it very difficult to take care of ourselves due to work and home chores. Some people will choose healthy lifestyle changes by the age of 30.

Many people get involved in healthy things like this only when they are approaching 30 years of age. In this article, we will learn about some of the ways that age can help keep us young and healthy.


Lifestyle changes


What kind of skincare products we use is very important for our skin.

Many cosmetics currently available contain high levels of chemicals. So you can use products that are made naturally.



As we age, it becomes very difficult to maintain the water supply required for our skin.

The body needs 2.5 liters of water per day for women and 3.5 liters per day for men.

It is therefore important to make sure that you drink water daily without any deficiency at this level.




Our metabolism seems to vary depending on what we eat.

We need to keep track of how many calories we are eating as metabolism slows down due to an unhealthy diet. 

Omega 3 and vitamins 3


Include low-fat dairy products in your diet. Chicken, seafood, eggs, soy products, and nuts should be included in the diet.

Regularly include foods rich in calcium, potassium, fiber, vitamin A and C.

Fish and other seafood are very healthy. It is high in omega-3 fatty acids and iodine. These help keep us young.




We can experience various stressors due to our daily work and household chores.

Stress is an enemy of our health.

Daily exercise helps to correct problems like stress and keep us healthy.




We currently spend more time on mobile phones. We make room for mobile phones in all our places from the bedroom to the bathroom.

Our body needs to rest from the tasks it does daily. So we need to give our bodies enough sleep.

Smoking and drinking

Both smoking and drinking are very bad for our health. These two habits are detrimental to your skin health.



You need to set aside some time for that skin and maintain it. Vitamin C-rich serums can be used. Collagen is the antioxidant in our skin

Skincare is like cleaning the dirt off your face.

You can use creams like sunscreen when going out in the sun. Applying a moisturizer after bathing helps keep the skin from drying out.

Reduces stress and improves collagen production in the skin.

It helps to reduce the appearance of bumps on the skin and wrinkles.


What are the changes in the skin at the age of 40?

It softens the upper layers of our skin and the blood vessels in the skin.

Decreased proteins that help to attach to skin cells cause the skin to lose its elasticity. This is where contractions occur.

As you age, the skin produces less oil than it needs, which leads to excessive dryness of the skin.

Serum rich in retinol

Retinols are rich in vitamin A. It stimulates collagen production and reduces skin breakdown.

You can do treatments like a skin polish. It helps to expel dead cells.

Some laser treatments can be used to correct age spots and restore skin tone.

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Foods we should eat over the age of 40

Whole grains



Less salt

Low-fat dairy products

Fruits are rich in vitamin C.

So as we approach the age of 40 we can stay healthy and young by making lifestyle changes like this.

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Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Breast Cancer: Can Breast Cancer Be Prevented? What can I do? Everyone needs to know!

Breast Cancer: Can Breast Cancer Be Prevented? What can I do? Everyone needs to know!
 Last year alone, more than 2 million women worldwide were diagnosed with breast cancer.

 Although there is no definitive way for a woman to prevent breast cancer (if it is likely to come), of course women should adhere to certain things to reduce its risk.

 Follow a healthy diet
 Eating a healthy diet reduces the risk of obesity. To prevent heart disease it is recommended that patients consume more vegetables and fruits and limit their carbohydrates diet

 You do not have to follow a strict diet for this. But reducing portions of food can provide long-term weight loss.

 Do not drink alcohol
 Currently some women are addicted to alcohol. Alcohol can increase estrogen levels and other hormones associated with positive breast cancer. It can also damage DNA cells.

 Women who drink three drinks a week are 15% more likely to develop breast cancer than non-drinkers. As a result, experts say, every extra drink equals a 10% increased risk of breast cancer. 

 Avoid sunlight
 Excessive sunlight can damage. This can cause skin cancer, wrinkles, painful burns and cataracts. It can also aggravate the side effects of chemotherapy. Some patients may experience sunburn through chemotherapy. This can lead to tanning and burning.

 Basal cell carcinoma that develops on the chest, face, shoulders and back when their skin is exposed to sunlight. Breast cancer developers usually have a scar-like area. It looks like a red or shiny dot.

 Use sunscreen every 2-3 hours to prevent skin cancer as a result. Wearing a hat will prevent the use of tanning beds, especially if the hair has fallen out. Wear sunglasses that block UV rays as much as possible.

 Reducing stress levels
 managing stress can improve a person's quality of life and help them make positive decisions.

 To reduce stress they can set aside a few minutes to do something they love, such as yoga and walking.


 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says people should do 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75-minute intense activity each week. They should combine this with muscle strengthening exercises at least twice a week.

 Regular exercise can reduce the risk of breast cancer or recurrence for the first time and is effective for those who have been treated for breast cancer. Because exercise can also reduce stress, fatigue and memory impairment. It can also reduce the risk.

 It also prevents depression, dementia, heart disease and arthritis in the elderly.

 Breast cancer vaccines

 You can look for a variety of food items such as vitamins, minerals, botanicals or herbs. Also comes in the form of tablets, powders, and liquids. Pills may be prescribed to diagnose and compensate for malnutrition in particular.

 Although these vitamin deficiencies may not prevent breast cancer, people with low vitamin D levels have a higher risk of developing breast cancer. They are prescribed 15 micrograms of breast cancer vaccine per day.

 You can also include vitamin D rich foods in your diet such as concentrated milk, fatty fish and egg yolk.

 It is good to check family history
 If anyone in the family history mother, aunt, grandmother way has breast cancer they can come to you. This is because you may have a gene called BRCA1 or BRCA2 that can lead to breast cancer.

 If you have cancer on one side of the breast you can develop cancer on the other side. So this can be prevented by experimenting at the right intervals.

 We know the primary prevention of breast cancer as well as the second prevention.

 Secondary prevention
 Cancer prevention secondary refers to clinical trials. This may be helpful if you have a personal or family history of breast cancer.

 Mammogram: This is an X-ray. Helps to see the visualization of breast tissue. This will help to check if there are any abnormalities like cysts or tumors. It is recommended to have a mammogram every year if you have a family history. This can be done even if there are no symptoms.

 A mammogram may be needed if you have symptoms of breast cancer, such as nipple discharge, pain, or swelling. This allows X-rays to be made from different angles.

 Ultrasound can help detect cancerous tumors and breast changes that are not detectable on a mammogram. The mammogram may not detect abnormalities in the dense tissue. Mammograms do not use radiation. So it is safe.
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Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Dark Circles: Should the uterus go missing? Use gooseberry and honey-like this!

Dark Circles: Should the uterus go missing? Use gooseberry and honey-like this!

Gooseberry can help in the Ayurvedic solution to the hymen problem. Here's how to use it.

 The cornea under the eyes, the dark circles around the eyes may be due to dark shadows, stress, or insomnia. Getting rid of it and getting rid of it is not easy. Ayurveda says that these hymens are formed because of the presence of Agni as there are more fiery elements in the body. Let's see how to use this gooseberry will help as a solution.
 The reason for the formation of the uterus

 Although Ayurveda says that there may be a high level of flammability in the body to cause hysterectomy, hereditary causes, aging, excessive dryness of the skin, prolonged crying, working in front of the computer. Such as stress, insomnia, and poor diet

 Becomes the main cause of corneas. The uterus can affect both men and women. Let's see how gooseberry can be used for this uterus.

 Gooseberry paste for the uterus

 Gooseberry Powder - 1 tbsp

 Honey - 1 tbsp

  It can be kept in a glass bottle and used for cooking and cosmetic purposes. Gooseberry powder is also available in stores.

 Mix both nelly and honey well and apply to the affected area. Then rinse with water after 15 minutes. If you do this daily you will be able to recover from the uterus quickly.


 Gooseberry has excellent natural antioxidant and refreshing properties. This will help to rejuvenate the skin. This Ayurvedic treatment for corneas under the eyes helps to keep naturally dark eyes hydrated and refreshed.

 Gooseberry is available all year round and the price is low. Let's see how this gooseberry can be used to get rid of the cornea.

 Honey is called liquid gold. Promotes the growth of skin cells. It helps in collage

n formation. Honey is good for the uterus. Its anti-inflammatory properties soothe the eye area. Its natural bleaching properties help to restore dark skin. Honey can be used safely on the skin around the eyes.

 It acts as a natural moisturizer. The antioxidants and nutrients in honey protect the skin. Helps to remove the corneas under the eyes. It improves blood flow. This can illuminate dark circles. It also removes the corneas caused by aging.

 You remove the uterus
 Some changes should be followed in daily life along with cervical maintenance. Do not stay awake for long periods of the night. The eyes should rest. Avoid using the cell phone without lighting at night. Foods that are good for the skin should be included daily.
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homemade face pack: Cactus to make face shine - Mistletoe facebook ... How to use ...

homemade face pack: Cactus to make face shine - Mistletoe facebook ... How to use ...

 Every woman has a desire to keep her face bright and shiny. You can avoid using over-the-counter creams and see how you can keep your skin glowing using naturally available wasabi and aloe vera.

 Ingredients used naturally are always healthy. You can make Facebook at home with some natural tools.

 We can use aloe vera for any skin type.
 Cactus greatly helps to correct the dark color caused by sunlight. Also, it is naturally moisturized and heals the skin easily.

 Apply a little aloe vera gel on the face daily, dry it for a while and then wash your face with warm water.

 Doing this on a daily basis not only brightens our face but also helps to control acne.

 In beauty products

 Aloe vera also helps in repairing the scars caused by acne. Cactus is widely used in cosmetics due to its various benefits.

 Aloe vera is highly medicinal, though it is available in a variety of varieties such as spruce, light green, and dark green. Do not forget to take out the aloe vera gel and wash it at least 7 or 8 times with water.


 In women who have given birth, scars appear on the abdomen, shoulders and thighs. You can even use aloe vera gel to fix this. Apply this gel on the affected areas and soak for at least half an hour and then wash off with warm water. There is a good solution to keep doing this.

 Neem leaf

 As for the neem leaf, it is naturally rich in antibacterial and antifungal properties. It contains antioxidants, vitamin E, calcium, etc. to help improve our skin health. The cleansing properties of chamomile help in combating scars on the skin. In addition, when you grind the neem leaf and apply it to our skin, it can correct wrinkles, lines, etc.


 Since it is a natural antiseptic you can feel the use of mistletoe on all skin types without hesitation. Dust is the main cause of many skin problems in general. So when we grind camomile intact and apply it on our skin, it is possible to correct such effects.

 Usually, the neem leaves are dried first and then powdered and then mixed with water to make a paste. This way you can use it for at least 6 months while you keep the camomile powdered.

 How to use it?

 Add yogurt or milk to this powder and mix well like a paste for half an hour before going for a daily bath. Apply this on your skin and rinse off with warm water for at least 20 minutes. Doing this regularly will help you to regain the radiance you lost on your face.

 When aloe vera and neem leaves are used together as a face pack that has so many benefits individually, we can get even more benefits. Let's see how to make a face pack.

 Cactus - Mistletoe Facebook

 required things

 A small amount of cactus leaf

 A tablespoon of neem leaf powder

 Honey (optional)

 This is the face pack method

 Take aloe vera gel from the cactus leaf and add it to a mixer and grind well. Add a teaspoon of neem powder or a handful of neem leaves and grind in a mixer.

 Grind put in the fridge for a while and then apply this gel.

 Method of use

 At night, after cleansing your face thoroughly, apply the face pack on your face.

 Soak it for 15 minutes.
 Next, wash your face with water. Be sure to use this face pack at least twice a week to see the best solution for your skin.

 You can definitely notice slight changes on your face the next morning after using this Facebook. You may feel that your skin is unusually soft. At the same time, if you continue to do this for a week, you will get a natural glow and your skin will be very smooth.
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Skincare For Men: How Men's Skin Looks In Winter! Maintenance method!

Skincare For Men: How Men's Skin Looks In Winter! Maintenance method!

 Skin is also one of the things that need to be protected in winter.

 The skin and body need special care when the temperature drops in winter. Men often forget that their skin needs extra care.
 Beyond trimming and shaving the skin, especially sensitive areas that require a lot of care, let's see what kind of care men need to do.


 Although winter is a happy time, it is inevitable that the skin will be damaged by low temperatures.

 Men will get everything like cleft lips, thin skin, wrinkled skin. Let’s take a look at what are the things to look for in winter as well to maintain tough blemishes like summer.

 Facial cleansing method

 It may seem to some that just rinsing the face with plain water is enough. It is better to choose a better face wash than water for your skin. It also helps to remove the clogged pores of the skin and clear the oily secretion on the face.

 Men's skin is harder than women's. Men can maintain their skin by doing a face wash to suit their skin.

 The skin needs moisture

 Men can prevent their skin from getting cold by trying to keep their skin moisturized. Because it absorbs the moisture of the skin in winter.

 Dry skin can lead to many skin problems. Although it's often scary, moisturizing the skin with the best winter moisturizers is a must. Can protect the skin from dehydration.

 Evidence for skin needs

 Moisturizing creams and winter creams are used by most men the same way each contains unique factors.

 Lack of adequate moisture in the skin in winter can lead to dryness and subsequent rough skin.

 The best winter creams available in stores exclusively for men are sources for the skin. Choose the right one for you.

 Damage from sunlight

 Men need proper skincare in winter. In winter the sunshine is seemingly quiet. The skin can absorb it even though it does not feel the heat of the sun. So use UV sunscreen to protect your skin from sun damage. These will help you to avoid skin damage caused by direct sunlight.
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Can I have an oil massage for my hair in winter? Find out what else to do and what not to do!

Can I have an oil massage for my hair in winter? Find out what else to do and what not to do!
 Winter can cause hair loss. Let's see how to maintain it.

 When winter comes, it can affect the hair as well as the skin. You need to take some precautionary measures in winter to avoid damage to the hair. See what you can do to protect your hair from indoor heat and wind.
 Hat on the head
 You need to protect your hair from the dry wind, snow and rain that can rob your hair of moisture even during the winter months. This is because hair can be more prone to drying and breaking in the winter. So it is necessary to wear a hat. At the same time it moisturizes the hair and brings back its shine.

 Never avoid moisturizing the hair. Available in stores exclusively for that. Buy and use it according to the nature of your hair.

 Do regular trim

 Trimming the hair once every four to eight weeks as usual will help maintain the health of the hair which will keep the hair fresh.

 Can be trimmed up to half an inch from the bottom to reduce the chances of forming dry split edges. Avoid trimming even in winter.

 Do not use hot water

 Water that is too hot even though it is too cold can wipe off the moisture from the hair and break it down. So always take a bath with only warm water. Rinse with cold water if possible. It will protect the hair.
 Avoid heat styling for hair

 It is best to let the hair dry in the air. Do not use thermal styling tool. This creates an opportunity for moisture to break down. These will help to keep the hair shiny and healthy. If you do not have time to dry your hair, take a shower in the evening.

 The hair dries overnight. So in winter when the hair is soft the heat will aggravate the styling problem and absorb moisture from the fibers. Do not leave the house with wet hair.

 Oil massage for hair
 Oily hair treatment is essential for winter hair. This will restore moisture. Argon oil can be used to instantly rejuvenate dry damaged hair.

 Moisturizing the hair is important in winter. Keep filling with moisture. Because it will combat the effects of indoor heating and cold winter air. Hair conditioner is essential in winter. This will keep it hydrated.

 Hair mask for hair
 It is essential to apply a face mask once a week for healthy skin. This hair mask will help when dry hair is damaged. This can affect the dryness of the hair. Hair mask is quick and easy to use. These are also safe for the hair. Hair mask helps to soften dry hair and add shine.

 Daily showers are unnecessary in winter. It removes natural oils that help keep hair moisturized and protected. This is the worst time when this oil is needed. So do not wash the hair daily. Otherwise your hair will still be very dry. So let's do a head scan two days a week. These little things will protect your hair in the winter.
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Winter Face Pack: Put on this face pack if you have flaky skin in winter!

Winter Face Pack: Put on this face pack if you have flaky skin in winter!
 The most important of the winter skin care methods is the skin-friendly face pack.

 It is important to maintain the skin according to the seasons. Regardless of the type of skin, seasonal care patterns will change. That way we will learn about the types of face packs that are suitable for your skin in winter.
 Milk cream and honey

 Milk cream or Malay will help to make your skin smooth and supple. It is also the best moisturizer you can use. Honey helps the skin to kill the bacteria that cause the growth of pimples and acne on the face.

 what to do

 In a bowl mix together both the milk cream and honey. Apply this mixture on face and skin and wash off with warm water after about 15 minutes. Then dry the skin and wash it off with lukewarm water to moisturize the skin.

 Cocoa butter and olive oil
 Both cocoa and olive can provide amazing benefits to the skin. Adding a few drops of ginger juice along with this will keep the skin smooth and soft and get rid of dirt.

 what to do

 Cocoa butter - half a teaspoon

 Olive oil - half a teaspoon

 Ginger juice or paste- a drop

 Mix everything and apply on face and neck and wash off with warm water for 15 to 20 minutes. Then apply a good moisturizer
 Bananas and milk

 A face pack mixed with milk and banana will help if the skin is dry and flaky in winter. At the same time if your skin is oily it can mix rose water with milk. Banana helps to exfoliate dead skin. Milk is a natural cleanser for the face. These may help if the skin loses its radiance.

 what to do

 Take half of the banana and add milk and mix well. Apply on face and neck and leave on for 20 minutes, rinse off with warm water.

 Cactus and almond oil
 Aloe vera and almond oil (good oil can also be used) can be used if the dead skin is not removed. It helps to hydrate the skin.

 what to do

 Almond oil - 8 - 10 drops

 Cactus gel - on demand

 Take both and wash in the palm of your hand. Apply this in a circular motion for 15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water. Massage especially at night and leave it on overnight. If you cleanse your face the next morning, your face will be softer.
 Papaya and milk

 Papaya will make your skin smooth and supple. It is packed with essential nutrients and minerals. Milk is rich in vitamin E. It moisturizes dry and dull skin.

 what to do

 Small pieces of papaya - 4 tbsp (mashed)

 Milk - Need for fermented milk

 Mix both well and make a paste. Apply this on face and neck. Then they are well dried and washed in lukewarm water.
 Carrots and honey

 The beta carotene in carrots corrects dull and flaky skin and brightens the skin.This pack will also help remove dead skin cells.

 what to do

 Carrot Peeled Peeled - 1 tbsp

 Honey - 1 tbsp

 Do you have acne scars, scars and bruises on your face? Do this immediately and the chronic scar will disappear!

 Mix both well and mash. Apply this on the face and after 15 minutes wash off the face with lukewarm water.

 These are the best face packs suitable for winter and will protect your skin from dryness.
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